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Residences Types

Active Residences

There are different ways to obtain a residence with work permit in Andorra. One is working for an Andorran company. The other is working on your own and creating your own company. The requirements for each of these options are different.

Active residency permits will allow you to live and work in Andorra. This permit requires that the person who acquires it resides, permanently and effectively, more than half a year (183 days) in Andorra. Among the different types of active residencies, self-employed residency and hired employee residency stand out. If your intention is to start your own company you will need the self-employed residency permit, while if your objective is to work in an Andorran company you will need the hired employee residency permit.

There are three types of permits: 

  • Self-employed
  • Employee
  • Temporary

Active Residence as a Self-employed

This option requires to create your own company in Andorra and then apply for the residence.

These are the main requirements:

  • Establish your main residence in Andorra, which must be effective at least 183 days a year.
  • Deposit € 50,000 (recoverable deposit) at the AFA (Andorran Financial Authority)
  • Have a position in the administration of the company.
  • Incorporate a company in the territory of Andorra, of which we must own more than 34% of the share capital.
  • Certificate proving the rental or purchase of a property in Andorra.
  • Present the complete criminal record certificate, both from your country of origin and from others where you have lived.
  • If they are qualified professionals, we must be affiliated with an association or college of professionals.
  • Carry out an activity on your own.
  • Carry out a satisfactory medical review before the Andorran Immigration Department.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Certificate of marital status.

The first initial authorization is issued for a period of one year, the three followings for two years, and the following ones for periods of ten years (1+2+2+2+10+10….years).

Active Residence as an Employee

To obtain this residence with work permit you must be hired by an Andorra company. 

When finding a company willing to hire you, there are two factors to be considered, one is the requested profile and the second one is the available quota.

Since in Andorra, companies are obliged to prioritize the recruitment of nationals and residents (a measure to reduce the unemployment rate), so if they finish a recruitment process with two candidates with the same profile, but one is Andorran and the other Spanish (resident in Spain), they must hire the Andorran. On the other hand, companies have an annual recruitment quota, granted by the Department of Immigration, to hire people from outside the country. Therefore, you must find a company that wants to hire you, for your profile, and that has part of its quota available to do so.

In addition, you need to establish your main residence in the principality, that you must make effective for at least 183 days a year.

These are the main requirements:

  • Accredit your training and experience in a Curriculum Vitae
  • Certificate proving the rental or purchase of a property in Andorra.
  • Present the complete criminal record certificate, both from your country of origin and from others where you have lived.
  • Carry out a satisfactory medical review before the Andorran Immigration Department.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Certificate of marital status.

The first initial authorization is issued for a period of one year, the three followings for two years, and the following ones for periods of ten years (1+2+2+2+10+10….years).

Active Residence as a Temporary

To obtain this residence with work permit you must be hired by an Andorra company and the period of the authorization must be specified in advance. 

This type of permit will be divided into two subgroups: temporary work and residence in Andorra and temporary work and residence in the border area (outside the territory of Andorra).

Passive Residences

We qualify as passive residency a person who has no lucrative activity in Andorra. Recommended to those people who reside in Andorra and do not work. It is aimed at people with sufficient income to maintain themselves without working (income, pensions, interest, …)

This authorization of residency is thought of those who do not have a residency but who live here for over 90 days per year and who do not exercise any professional or work activity. To be eligible for it, you must show that you have enough wealth or income to be able to live without working. 

There are different types of passive residences:

  • No lucrative activity
  • Professionals with international activity
  • Sports, cultural or scientific interest
  • Digital nomads
  • Participants in programs for entrepreneurship
  • Stays in geriatric or private healthcare centers

No lucrative activity

Holders of this authorization must establish residency in the Principality of Andorra for at least 90 days per natural year without exercising any work or professional activity in Andorran territory.

The holder of the authorization must permanently and effectively invest the amount of at least 600.000€ in Andorran real estate, shares in a company or funds belonging to an Andorran society, debt, or financial instruments.

emitted by Andorran entities or any Andorran Public Administration, or in non-remunerated deposit with the Andorran Financial Authority (AFA).

A 47.500€ deposit must be made with AFA by the main holder and a further 9.500€ per person in their charge. These sums are deductible from the total amount.

In addition, holders of the authorizations must accredit that they have sufficient funds to reside in the country (300% of Andorra´s interprofessional minimum wage + 100% per person in their charge).

The first two initial authorizations are issued for a period of two years, the third for three years, and the following ones for periods of ten years (2+2+3+10+10….years).

Professionals with international activity

Allows to reside in the Principality of Andorra for the length of the authorization. Holders of this authorization must establish the seat or base of their professional activities in Andorra and provide at least 85% of their services internationally, having no more than one person registered as an employee, and establish their residence in the Principality of Andorra for at least 90 days per natural year.

A 47.500€ deposit must be made with AFA by the main holder and a further 9.500€ per person in their charge.

In addition, holders of the authorizations must accredit that they have sufficient funds to reside in the country (300% of Andorra´s interprofessional minimum wage + 100% per person in their charge), while accrediting the economic feasibility of the activity wished to be carried out.

The first two initial authorizations are issued for a period of two years, the third for three years, and the following ones for periods of ten years (2+2+3+10+10….years).

Sports, cultural or scientific interest

Allows to reside in the Principality of Andorra for the length of the authorization and carry out one´s professional activity as long as the main recipient are foreign individuals or companies.

Holders of this authorization must provide at least 85% of their services internationally and establish their residence in the Principality of Andorra for at least 90 days per natural year.

A 47.500€ deposit must be made with AFA by the main holder

and a further 9.500€ per person in their charge .

In addition, holders of the authorizations must accredit that they have sufficient funds to reside in the country (300% of Andorra´s interprofessional minimum wage + 100% per person in their charge), as well as accredit their international recognition in the worlds of science, culture or sports.

The first two initial authorizations are issued for a period of two years, the third for three years, and the following ones for periods of ten years (2+2+3+10+10…. years).

Digital Nomad Visa 

Andorra is positioning itself as an ideal destination for digital nomads. With its new visa, the country offers a unique opportunity for those looking for a balance between work and quality of life.

A nomad visa, also known as a digital nomad visa or remote work visa, is a type of visa or permit that allows individuals to live and work remotely in a foreign country for a specific period. These visas are designed to cater to digital nomads and remote workers who have the flexibility to work from anywhere and choose to travel while working.

Nomad visas have gained popularity in recent years as more people embrace remote work and seek opportunities to live and work in different locations around the world, explore different cultures, and work in inspiring environments while maintaining their professional activities. These visas often have specific requirements, such as proof of employment or sufficient income, health insurance coverage, and a clean criminal record.

To have obtained a favorable resolution from the Ministry of the Economy to be considered a person who, to carry out his work, does not require having a specific geographic location and uses telecommunications and technology, in accordance with what is established by regulation. It requires a commitment to establish their residence in the Principality of Andorra for at least 90 days per natural year.

The first two initial authorizations are issued for a period of two years, the third for three years, and the following ones for periods of ten years (2+2+3+10+10….years).

Participants in programs for entrepreneurship

The entrepreneur visa or is a type of visa or permit that allows individuals to live and work remotely in a foreign country for a specific period. These visas are designed to cater to remote workers who have the flexibility to work from anywhere and choose to travel while working.

This type of visa has gained popularity in recent years as more people embrace remote work and seek opportunities to live and work in different locations around the world. These visas often have specific requirements, such as proof of employment or sufficient income, health insurance coverage, and a clean criminal record, To have obtained a favorable resolution from the Ministry of the Economy to be considered a person who, in order to carry out his work, does not require having a specific geographic location and uses telecommunications and technology, in accordance with what is established by regulation.

The first initial authorization is issued for a period of one year, and renewable year by year.

Stays in geriatric or private healthcare centers

Allows to reside in the Principality of Andorra for the length of the authorization. Holders of this authorization must establish residency in the Principality of Andorra for at least 90 days per natural year without exercising any work or professional activity in Andorran territory.

The initial authorization is issued for a period of one year, renewable yearly.

Family Reunification

They can apply for a family reunification permit for:

  • Their spouse member or de facto couple of the union, after one year of residence, (except Spanish, Portuguese, or French nationalities).
  • Their children who are minors and those of their spouse of whom they have guardianship and legal custody.
  • Their children of legal age and those of their spouse of whom they exercise legal tutorship or similar status.
  • Relatives of the householder in their charge who are at least 65 years old or retired.
  • Other people of whom they have legal tutorship or similar status as long as both parents have lost parental authority.